News & Events
The Physics of Bio-Inspired Covert Flaps As Flight Control Devices
Zekry, D. A., & Wissa, A. A.
2024 Best Paper Award
Numerical and Experimental Study of a Covert-Inspired Passively Deployable Flap for Aerodynamic Lift Enhancement
Othman, A. K., Nair, N. J., Sandeep, A., Goza, A., & Wissa, A
Bird-inspired morphing wings: Design and experimental evaluation of a wing folding mechanism for pitch stability control
Alvarez, A., & Wissa, A.
Design of experiments for two-and three-dimensional bio-inspired flow control devices
Zekry, D. A., Duan, C., Ito, M. R., & Wissa, A. A.
Dynamic characterization of a bio-inspired variable stiffness multi-winglet device
Lee, K. J., & Wissa, A.
Adaptive and Compliant Wingtip Devices enabled by Additive Manufacturing and Multistable Structures
Gustafson, K., Urrutia, L., Pankonien, A., Reich, G., & Wissa, A.
This publication won Best Student Paper Award & Best Bioinspiration Symposium Award
Path Following for the Soft Origami Crawling Robot
Angatkina, O., Gustafson, K., Wissa, A., & Alleyne, A.
Design Optimization of a Covert Feather-Inspired Deployable Structure for Increased Lift
Chengfang, D., Waite, J., & Wissa, A.
Extended abstract was subject to peer review
A Leading-Edge Alula-Inspired Device (LEAD) for Stall Mitigation and Lift Enhancement for Low Reynolds Number Finite Wings
Ito, M. R., Duan, C., Chamorro, L. P., & Wissa, A. A.
Full draft paper were subject to peer review
A Metameric Crawling Robot Enabled by Origami and Smart Materials
Angatkina, O., Chien, B., Pagano, A., Yan, T., Alleyne, A., Tawfick, S., & Wissa, A.
Abstract and full draft paper were subject to peer review
Pop! Observing and Modeling the Legless Self-righting Jumping Mechanism of Click Beetles
Bolmin, O., Duan, C., Urrutia, L., Abdulla, A. M., Hazel, A. M., Alleyne, M., ... & Wissa, A.
Understanding the Relationship Between Pitch Agility and Propulsive Aerodynamic Forces in bio-inspired Flapping Wing Vehicles
Hasnain, Z., Hubbard Jr, J. E., Calogero, J., Frecker, M. I., & Wissa, A. A.
Alula-inspired Leading Edge Device for Low Reynolds Number Flight
Mandadzhiev, B. A., Lynch, M. K., Chamorro, L. P., & Wissa, A. A.
Multi-Stable Origami Structure for Crawling Locomotion
Pagano, A., Leung, B., Chien, B., Yan, T., Wissa, A., & Tawfick, S.
Analyzing the Pitch Agility of an Ornithopter Undergoing Passive Compliant Element Induced Shape Change
Hasnain, Z., Hubbard, J. E., Calogero, J., Frecker, M., & Wissa, A.
Wings of a Feather Stick Together: morphing wings with barbule-inspired latching
Wissa, A., Han, A. K., & Cutkosky, M. R.
Stability Analysis of the wing leading edge spar of a passively morphing ornithopter
Wissa, A., Calogero, J., Hubbard Jr, J. E., & Frecker, M.
Design Optimization of a Twist Compliant Mechanism With Nonlinear Stiffness
Tummala, Y., Frecker, M., Wissa, A., & Hubbard Jr, J. E.
Inertial effects due to passive wing morphing in ornithopters
Wissa, A., Hubbard, J. E., Tummala, Y., Frecker, M., & Northrup, M.
Design of bend-and-sweep compliant mechanism for passive shape change
Flight testing of novel compliant spines for passive wing morphing on ornithopters
Wissa, A., Guerreiro, N., Grauer, J. A., Hubbard, J., Frecker, M., Altenbuchner, C., ... & Roberts, R.
Design optimization of a compliant spine for dynamic applications
Tummala, Y., Wissa, A., Frecker, M., & Hubbard Jr, J. E.
Testing of novel compliant spines for passive wing morphing
Wissa, A., Tummala, Y., Hubbard Jr, J. E., Frecker, M., & Brown, A.
Design of a passively morphing ornithopter wing using a novel compliant spine